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Taking liberties since 1978


Adobe returns attention to Flash for Linux | News.blog | CNET News.com

Adobe returns attention to Flash for Linux

Good news for Flex. Flash 9 on Linux development is steaming ahead.


Flash the great cross browser technology... or is it?

Penguin.SWF: Stoppage

It seems that while the Flash plugin does offer a a way around those nasty browser bug issues you have to deal with in HTML, that rather than singling out browsers to mess up in, Flash ignores whole platforms. As it stands there is no Flash 9 plugin for Linux or Mac, there is a beta for Intel based Macs though, but some people are out of luck,

This isn't such a big deal until you consider Flex and it's prerequesite need for the Flash 9 plugin. So I think it is nieve to consider Flash the ultimate cross browser solution. It's right you don't have to tweak and faff around browser display, and early plugins do have good saturation - the latest firmware for the PSP offered (an almost) Flash 6 support. But if you are looking to use the latest versions you need to remember that you are completely cutting out some platforms.

Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up

Hoorah I was delighted to find this gem. A favourite artist and a favourite band all in one very sweet package. Fantastic.


Adobe - Developer Week

Adobe - Developer Week

Useful links from the seminars that were held over developer week. Loads of Flex stuff to get to grips with.


Adobe - Developer Center : Sneak peek: Upcoming cookbook area for Flex developers

Adobe - Developer Center : Sneak peek: Upcoming cookbook area for Flex developers

Still grappling with Flex and one of the tricky things is the lack of working code. Although Adobe Consulting have been busy trying to make things easier for me.

But this cookbook could be really useful in getting code snippets that work out their and available.

Nice works guys.


Shiney joy both large and small

Today is a day of celebration for me. We've just picked up our new car, which I've promised myself I will be brave and drive.
Also I have got a PSP - yipee!.

Just a quick note for anyone struggling for ages to set up their Wi-Fi on there PSP, the thing that sorted mine was that I had to use the first Key on my Netgear router.



Adobe - Developer Center : Announcing the Flex Developer Derby Winners

Adobe - Developer Center : Announcing the Flex Developer Derby Winners

As I learn the ins and outs of Adobe Flex I was interested to see the winner of the mashup award created a public library mashup with Amazon. I wonder if he'll enter the Talis mashup competition.
